
Rakometniot Klub Vardar 1961 (North Macedonia)

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North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia: Superleague - Main
14. RoundVardar 1961Radovis33:12 (19:9, 14:3)details07.12.2024
13. RoundBisinovVardar 196129:41 (17:21, 12:20)details30.11.2024
EuropeEurope: European League - Group Stage
Group F - 6. RoundVardar 1961MT Melsungen32:30 (17:17, 15:13)details26.11.2024
North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia: Superleague - Main
12. RoundVardar 1961Alkaloid29:27 (15:13, 14:14)details24.11.2024
EuropeEurope: European League - Group Stage
Group F - 5. RoundValurVardar 196134:34 (18:17, 16:17)details19.11.2024
North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia: Superleague - Main
11. RoundStrugaVardar 196125:34 (15:16, 10:18)details16.11.2024
10. RoundVardar 1961Ohrid29:26 (14:11, 15:15)details02.11.2024
EuropeEurope: European League - Group Stage
Group F - 4. RoundPortoVardar 196137:24 (17:10, 20:14)details29.10.2024
North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia: Superleague - Main
9. RoundTikveshVardar 196123:32 (11:12, 12:20)details26.10.2024
EuropeEurope: European League - Group Stage
Group F - 3. RoundVardar 1961Porto22:26 (12:10, 10:16)details22.10.2024
North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia: Superleague - Main
8. RoundVardar 1961Kumanovo31:21 (15:6, 16:15)details18.10.2024
EuropeEurope: European League - Group Stage
Group F - 2. RoundMT MelsungenVardar 196134:18 (17:10, 17:8)details15.10.2024
North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia: Superleague - Main
7. RoundPrilepVardar 196127:37 (12:19, 15:18)details12.10.2024
EuropeEurope: European League - Group Stage
Group F - 1. RoundVardar 1961Valur33:26 (19:11, 14:15)details08.10.2024
North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia: Superleague - Main
6. RoundVardar 1961Tinex Prolet Skopje28:25 (16:15, 12:10)details04.10.2024
5. RoundButel SkopjeVardar 196127:30 (15:16, 12:14)details02.10.2024
4. RoundVardar 1961Eurofarm Pelister27:24 (15:11, 12:13)details28.09.2024
3. RoundRadovisVardar 196116:29 (11:15, 5:14)details21.09.2024
2. RoundVardar 1961Bisinov31:24 (16:14, 15:10)details13.09.2024
1. RoundAlkaloidVardar 196133:30 (18:17, 15:13)details08.09.2024
WorldWorld: Club Friendly - Main
AlkaloidVardar 196123:25 (9:15, 14:10)details24.08.2024
CeljeVardar 196127:31 (11:16, 16:15)details23.08.2024
PartizanVardar 196126:32 (13:18, 13:14)details21.08.2024
Vardar 1961Ohrid34:21 (16:9, 18:12)details20.08.2024
Eurofarm PelisterVardar 196129:26 (13:11, 16:15)details17.08.2024
Vardar 1961Guif32:18 (14:7, 18:11)details16.08.2024
Vardar 1961Tikvesh34:27 (15:11, 19:16)details14.08.2024
North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia: Superleague - Winners stage
14. RoundButel SkopjeVardar 196125:31 (10:16, 15:15)details01.06.2024
13. RoundVardar 1961Ohrid29:22 (15:11, 14:11)details25.05.2024
12. RoundVardar 1961Alkaloid24:21 (12:11, 12:10)details02.05.2024
11. RoundStrugaVardar 196115:36 (8:16, 7:20)details26.04.2024
10. RoundVardar 1961Tikvesh29:26 (14:13, 15:13)details20.04.2024
9. RoundTinex Prolet SkopjeVardar 196120:21 (8:6, 12:15)details12.04.2024
8. RoundVardar 1961Eurofarm Pelister24:20 (12:11, 12:9)details09.04.2024
7. RoundVardar 1961Butel Skopje30:22 (16:11, 14:11)details06.04.2024
6. RoundOhridVardar 196125:27 (12:11, 13:16)details31.03.2024
WorldWorld: Club Friendly - Main
Vardar 1961Golden Art32:23 (17:9, 15:14)details24.03.2024
RadovisVardar 196121:42 (10:23, 11:19)details23.03.2024
North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia: Superleague - Winners stage
5. RoundAlkaloidVardar 196123:27 (8:16, 15:11)details10.03.2024
4. RoundVardar 1961Struga29:20 (16:8, 13:12)details01.03.2024
3. RoundTikveshVardar 196122:20 (11:10, 11:10)details24.02.2024
2. RoundVardar 1961Tinex Prolet Skopje32:18 (17:11, 15:7)details16.02.2024
1. RoundEurofarm PelisterVardar 196127:21 (10:10, 17:11)details10.02.2024
North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia: Superleague - Main
Group B - 14. RoundVardar 1961Golden Art32:25 (13:15, 19:10)details13.12.2023
Group B - 13. RoundMulti EsensVardar 196123:40 (11:20, 12:20)details01.12.2023
Group B - 12. RoundVardar NegotinoVardar 196122:35 (12:17, 10:18)details24.11.2023
Group B - 11. RoundVardar 1961Prilep36:26 (15:9, 21:17)details17.11.2023
Group B - 10. RoundTinex Prolet SkopjeVardar 196124:28 (10:17, 14:11)details10.11.2023
Group B - 9. RoundVardar 1961Butel Skopje26:20 (13:9, 13:11)details08.11.2023
Group B - 8. RoundEurofarm PelisterVardar 196129:25 (18:11, 11:14)details22.10.2023
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