
San Miguel Beermen (Philippines)

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PhilippinesPhilippines: Governors Cup - Play Offs
Quarter-finals - 5th legSan Miguel BeermenConverge FiberXers infoTomorrow 13:30
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PhilippinesPhilippines: Governors Cup - Play Offs
Quarter-finals - 4th legConverge FiberXersSan Miguel Beermen114:100 (51:55, 63:45)details04.10.2024
AsiaAsia: EASL - Main
Group ASan Miguel BeermenSuwon KT81:87 (43:39, 38:48)details02.10.2024
PhilippinesPhilippines: Governors Cup - Play Offs
Quarter-finals - 3rd legSan Miguel BeermenConverge FiberXers112:114 (53:44, 59:70)details30.09.2024
Quarter-finals - 2nd legConverge FiberXersSan Miguel Beermen100:107 (51:48, 49:59)details28.09.2024
Quarter-finals - 1st legSan Miguel BeermenConverge FiberXers102:95 (55:50, 47:45)details26.09.2024
PhilippinesPhilippines: Governors Cup - Main
Group BBlackwater BossingSan Miguel Beermen111:94 (52:43, 59:51)details21.09.2024
PhilippinesPhilippines: Philippine Cup - Play Offs
Final - 6th legMeralco BoltsSan Miguel Beermen80:78 (47:40, 33:38)details16.06.2024
Final - 5th legSan Miguel BeermenMeralco Bolts88:92 (46:47, 42:45)details14.06.2024
Final - 4th legMeralco BoltsSan Miguel Beermen101:111 (40:51, 61:60)details12.06.2024
Final - 3rd legSan Miguel BeermenMeralco Bolts89:93 (46:48, 43:45)details09.06.2024
Final - 2nd legMeralco BoltsSan Miguel Beermen94:95 (48:49, 46:46)details07.06.2024
PhilippinesPhilippines: Commissioners Cup - Play Offs
Final - 6th legMagnolia HotshotsSan Miguel Beermen102:104 (51:46, 51:58)details14.02.2024
Final - 5th legSan Miguel BeermenMagnolia Hotshots108:98 (48:41, 60:57)details11.02.2024
Final - 4th legMagnolia HotshotsSan Miguel Beermen96:85 (49:45, 47:40)details09.02.2024
Final - 3rd legSan Miguel BeermenMagnolia Hotshots80:88 (39:42, 41:46)details07.02.2024
Final - 2nd legMagnolia HotshotsSan Miguel Beermen85:109 (41:54, 44:55)details04.02.2024
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PhilippinesPhilippines: Governors Cup - Play Offs
Quarter-finals - 5th legSan Miguel BeermenConverge FiberXers infoTomorrow 13:30
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