
AC Tres Coracoes (Brazil)

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BrazilBrazil: Mineiro U20 - Main
15. RoundAtletico-MG U20Tres Coracoes U206:1 (1:1, 5:0)details18.08.2024
14. RoundTres Coracoes U20Betim U201:5 (0:1, 1:4)details10.08.2024
10. RoundInter de Minas U20Tres Coracoes U204:1 (2:0, 2:1)details08.08.2024
13. RoundFutgol U20Tres Coracoes U200:3 (0:2, 0:1)details02.08.2024
12. RoundTres Coracoes U20XV de Novembro U200:0 (0:0, 0:0)details27.07.2024
11. RoundCoimbra U20Tres Coracoes U203:0 (3:0, 0:0)details20.07.2024
9. RoundTres Coracoes U20Cruzeiro U201:4 (0:1, 1:3)details07.07.2024
8. RoundTres Coracoes U20America MG U200:1 (0:0, 0:1)details29.06.2024
7. RoundAthletic Club U20Tres Coracoes U202:1 (1:1, 1:0)details21.06.2024
6. RoundTres Coracoes U20Santarritense U204:0 (1:0, 3:0)details15.06.2024
4. RoundMinas Boca U20Tres Coracoes U200:6 (0:2, 0:4)details31.05.2024
3. RoundTres Coracoes U20Contagem U200:0 (0:0, 0:0)details25.05.2024
2. RoundIpatinga U20Tres Coracoes U200:1 (0:1, 0:0)details19.05.2024
1. RoundTres Coracoes U20Boston City U200:1 (0:0, 0:1)details11.05.2024
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